En este proyecto intervienen las asignaturas de primera lengua extranjera, Geografía e Historia, Matemáticas y Ciencias Naturales.
La realización del mismo se llevaría acabo la última semana antes de las vacaciones de Semana Santa, en todas las asignaturas anteriormente mencionadas, en el curso de 4º ESO.
Para este proyecto hemos realizado las siguientes herramientas digitales:
* KAHOOT! https://create.kahoot.it/share/lost-in-19th-century/703e6933-69bd-4a6e-899b-9d2071425265
* BLOG https://myfirstpbl.blogspot.com/
Además por la tarde hemos estado visitando El Barrio Judío y la Plaza Gendarmenmarkt
5th day. Today we have explained the project we prepared during yesterday ´s session. Our PBL is titled “ Lost in 19th century Britain” and deals with the different social strata we could find at that time. Among them : children, women, scientists/ entrepreneurs, working class, upper /media class and Royal family.
This is an interdisciplinary project involving English, geography and history, maths and science.
It would be developed during the week previous to Easter break in 4th ESO. We have designed our projects using digital tools such as: Kahoot , blogger and padlet.
In the afternoon we have visited the old Jewish quarter and Gendarmenmark square.